Student applications for the 2025 Summer Program and the letters from your references are due shortly after (referees will be contacted by our staff automatically after the student has applied). Students will be notified of the results of the selection process early March.
To apply to the program, please fill in the online form below, and upload a single 3-page PDF containing:
1. A 1-page (single-side) CV containing, at a minimum, the following information:
- Contact Information:
- Name
- Email address
- Affiliation
- MS (if applicable) and PhD Information, containing in each case
- Title or topic
- Advisor(s)
- Year the program was started and (if applicable) completed.
- Current publication list
- Honors and awards
- Additional research experience beyond your current PhD project (internships, undergraduate thesis, etc.)
2. A 1-page (single-side) statement describing your current research
3. A 1-page (single-side) statement of how participation in this program will benefit your current research and career prospects.
In the form below, please enter the email addresses of your references. They will be contacted automatically as you submit the form. One of these references must be your current PhD advisor.
Online application form