This is a list of all the program senior participants, locals and visitors, and their planned attendance dates. This list will be updated as the organization of the program proceeds.
Local participants
Name | Dates | Current affiliation | Office |
Jonathan Fortney | Weeks 1-6 | Astronomy & Astrophysics | |
Doug Lin | Weeks 4-6 | Astronomy & Astrophysics | |
Brant Robertson | Weeks 1-6 | Astronomy & Astrophysics | |
Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz | Weeks 1-6 | Astronomy & Astrophysics | |
Xi Zhang | Weeks 1-6 | Earth and Planetary Sciences | |
Pascale Garaud | Weeks 1,3-6 | Applied Mathematics and Statistics | BE 353A |
Nic Brummell | Weeks 1-6 | Applied Mathematics and Statistics | BE 355A |
Dongwook Lee | Weeks 1-6 | Applied Mathematics and Statistics | BE 353C |
Raja Guha Thakurta | Weeks 1-6 | Astronomy & Astrophysics | |
Andrew Skemer | Weeks 1,3-6 | Astronomy & Astrophysics | |
Tyler Robinson | Weeks 1-6 | Astronomy & Astrophysics | |
Michael Line | Weeks 1-2,4-6 | Hubble Fellow, NASA Ames/UCSC |
Visiting participants
Name | Dates | Current affiliation | Office |
Ruth Murray-Clay | Weeks 1-6 | Assistant Professor in Physics, UC Santa Barbara | |
Dorian Abbot | Weeks 1-6 | Associate Professor, Geophysical Sciences, U. Chicago | ISB 275 |
Kevin Zahnle | Weeks 1,3-6 | Research scientist, NASA Ames | ISB 114 |
Colin Goldblatt | Weeks 1-6 | Assistant Professor, Earth and Ocean Sciences, U. Victoria | ISB 155 |
David Catling | Weeks 1-3 | Professor, U. Washington | CfAO 111 |
Jacob Bean | Weeks 1-3 | Professor, U. Chicago | CfAO 103 |
Mike Liu | Weeks 1-6 | Professor, U. Hawaii | |
Kristen Menou | Weeks 1-2 | Professor, U. Toronto | CfAO 103 |
Fred Adams | Week 2-4 | Professor, U. Michigan | ISB 155 |
Laura Kreidberg | Weeks 1-6 | Postdoc, U. Chicago | EPS 360 |
James Owen | Weeks 1-6 | Hubble Fellow, IAS Princeton | ISB 155 |
Mark Marley | Weeks 1-6 | Research Scientist, NASA Ames | CfAO 111 |
Andrew Youdin | Weeks 1-4 | Assistant Professor, U. Arizona | ISB 275 |
Kaitlin Kratter | Weeks 1-4 | Assistant Professor, U. Arizona | Nat Sci 2, 187 |
Sarah Rugheimer | Weeks 1-4 | Simons Research Fellow. U. St. Andrews | ISB 116 |
Subhanjoy Mohanty | Weeks 1-3 | Lecturer, Imperial College London | Nat Sci 2, 187 |
Yamila Miguel | Weeks 1-6 | Poincare fellow, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azure, Nice | EPS 360 |
Eliza Kempton | Weeks 2,3 | Assistant Professor, Grinnell College | Nat Sci 2, 187 |
Fabio del Sordo | Weeks 1-5 | Postdoc, Yale/NORDITA | EPS 360 |
Eva Ntormousi | Weeks 1-5 | Postdoc, CEA/Saclay | EPS 360 |
Jordan Stone | Weeks 3-6 | Postdoc, University of Arizona | ISB 114 |
Jasmina Blecic | Weeks 1-6 | Postdoc, New York University of Abu Dhabi | EPS 360 |
Eric Lopez | Weeks 1-6 | Postdoc, University of Edinburgh | ISB 116 |
Liu Hui Gen | Weeks 1-6 | Associate Researcher, Nanjing University, School of Astronomy and Space Science | ISB 114 |
Diana Valencia | Weeks 1-2 | Assistant Professor, University of Toronto | ISB 275 |
Masahiro Ikoma | Week 1 | Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Earth-Life Science Institute | |
Keiko Hamano | Week 1 | Postdoc, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Earth-Life Science Institute | |
Marko Gacesa | Weeks 1-6 | Postdoc, NASA Ames | ISB 116 |